If it's your first time entering a contest, or your fiftieth year to show, you can Find Your Fun at the Iowa State Fair. From pies, quilts, creative arts and agriculture to horticulture crops, livestock and your best homemade wine, beer or BBQ sauce, it's easy to enter, plus there is prize money and bragging rights!
5. Find fun Fair competition
The Iowa State Fair's roots are in competition and you have many to choose from! From Iowa Family Living's static exhibits to livestock competitions, there's something for everybody!
4. Enter your interests
Have an eye for creative arts handiwork, or do you have livestock ready for show ring? Find a class that's meant for you! Some things you can sign up now and pick your favorite projects when it's time to come to the Fair.
3. Advance your skills
Try a new division or class at the Fair! With 28 new foods divisions in 2022, new Fabric and Threads classes and more, the competitions at the Fair are always changing! Maybe you picked up a new craft or skill, show it off at the Fair.
2. Get friendly feedback
Get friendly feedback from the judges! Whether it's livestock in the show ring, or cookies, cakes or a painting, there are so many levels of competition from beginner to expert. You will learn from the best at the Fair.
1. Make it a tradition
Start a tradition or continue a tradition and enter each year. Rack up the blue ribbons with friends or family, a best in show or a sweepstakes award. Meet new people or get together with the people you already know.
Maybe photography, quilting or cooking isn't your thing? The Fair is taking entries for the Iowa State Fair Parade. Applications for Iowa's largest parade are available at http://www.iowastatefair.org/participate/parade/ or by contacting Liz Ley at 515/262-3111 ext. 282 or lley@iowastatefair.org. Parade categories include General (floats, walking and novelty units; performing; and youth dance/tumbling), Horses and Marching Bands. Parade entry fees differ by category.
Entrants in competitive events may enter online or submit their entry by mail, postmarked by the deadline listed. Premium books about entering and entry forms can be accessed at https://www.iowastatefair.org/participate/competition. While most entries are due July 1, deadlines do vary by department. Some departments will accept late entries through July 8 with additional fees. For more information regarding entry deadlines, competitions or the online entry system, contact the Competitive Events Department at 515/262-3111 ext. 207.